Whois Lookup


WHOIS Lookup of 0412.ee

cache expires in 1 days 0 hours refresh
Domain Name: 0412.ee
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Estonia .ee Top Level Domain WHOIS server

name: 0412.ee
status: ok (paid and in zone)
registered: 2023-05-29 22:15:08 +03:00
changed: 2024-04-30 09:55:06 +03:00
expire: 2025-05-30

name: Private Person
email: Not Disclosed - Visit www.internet.ee for webbased WHOIS
phone: Not Disclosed - Visit www.internet.ee for webbased WHOIS
changed: Not Disclosed

Administrative contact:
name: Not Disclosed
email: Not Disclosed - Visit www.internet.ee for webbased WHOIS
changed: Not Disclosed

Technical contact:
name: Not Disclosed
email: Not Disclosed - Visit www.internet.ee for webbased WHOIS
changed: Not Disclosed

name: Zone Media OÜ
url: http://www.zone.ee
phone: +372 6886886
changed: 2020-07-01 13:55:58 +03:00

Name servers:
nserver: ns2.zone.ee
nserver: ns3.zonedata.net
nserver: ns.zone.eu
changed: 2023-05-29 22:15:08 +03:00

dnskey: 257 3 13 /i7FR60CYdYNcI1bt5nMwMywg0Loiv84ac0xskmOXFXbMWFqRuUHQz8hq4rK0DZfyV7dYJnGDKVRHoFOyHjmtQ==
changed: 2023-05-29 22:25:05 +03:00

Estonia .ee Top Level Domain WHOIS server
More information at http://internet.ee

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